Horror Fridays: Cargo (2018)

Dear Visitors,

Can we just give all the awards to Martin Freeman? Please? Pretty Please? Also please be advised of SPOILERS. I'll try to keep it at a minimum but here's your SPOILER WARNING!

CARGO centers around Andy and his desperate journey to find a safe haven for his daughter, Rosie, in an Australian wilderness that is filled with zombie-like infected people and survivors who distrust EVERYONE. The worst part is that Andy only has 48 hours to find a home for Rosie. That's how long an infected person has before they turn into zombies!

The only thing that made this movie bearable was Martin Freeman's performance. I always thought that he was a brilliant actor. He was believable as a father in a crazy circumstance and it was refreshing to see this father figure act like a protector and provider. There is a scene where Andy (Martin Freeman) and his wife Kay (Susan Porter) have an argument about what to do. They're currently living on a houseboat that neither of them know how to maintain, their supplies are running low, they're surrounded by zombies, and they have an infant with them. Andy wants to stay on the river for as long as they can since it's been the safest for them, but Kay wants to take the risk and travel on land to find other survivors. Andy puts his foot down and tells her no. I'm sure that a feminist somewhere felt a disturbance in The Force, but I thought that was cool. Andy also took risks to find supplies from other boats and never letting Kay do it. I took it as he knew that out of the both of them, Rosie needed her Mom more than Dad so he took the risk so Kay didn't have to.

But of course, shit happens and Andy has to abandon the houseboat and find a new safe place. The rest of the movie I honestly don't recall because it was slow and I ended up walking around the house doing chores while it played in the background. The only thing I got was that he finds other survivors and they turn out to be assholes, he finds an Aboriginal Australian girl who is on her own quest to find The Cleverman to save her zombie dad, and they team up to find the rest of her people because the Aboriginal Australians prepped for the apocalypse and have a safe community and have returned to "the old ways". It was also heartbreaking to see Andy struggle with his illness because of all the mistrust around the infected, he had to hide that he was sick in the hopes that whoever he found would take care of Rosie.

I consider this more of a drama than horror film, but I still wanted to talk about it. I guess it's a drama in a horror setting? I don't know. I recommend you all check it out and decide for yourself.

Let me know what you think.

With Love,


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