Welcome, 2018!

Dear Visitor,


It's feels so good to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new! I'm excited to see what this new year has in store for us. I'm still in Grad School so I'm sure I'll be pretty busy with that, but I'm interested to see what I'll be learning next. It'll also be good to see my classmates again. They're cool people.

I'd also like to announce that I'm going to be adding more posts to this blog besides the weekly Friday posts. Starting today I'll be posting Music Video of the Month on the first Wednesday of each month. I'm starting with Meghan Trainor's Better When I'm Dancin' because this song always makes me smile. I think we need to start the year with some good vibes, don't you? I'll also be adding Trailer Tuesdays which will be posts of a trailer for games, shows, or movies that I just think are interesting. Honestly, I could watch trailers all day. I'll do this for a while and see how I goes.

Anyway, I have my new list of New Year's Resolutions pinned to my door. Hopefully I'll check off more items on my list than I did last year. Last year was pitiful....

How are you all planning the new year? Any New Year's Resolutions?

With Love,



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