Goodbye, 2017

Dear Visitors,

I'm ready for this year to be over. I'm ready to start anew.

When the year 2017 started, everyone thought the whole world would implode. But here we are at the end of December and we're still standing. 

I'm also ready to start the year over because I'm ready to let go of all the shit that happened at the beginning of 2017. The beginning of this year sucked mostly because my best friend of 12+ years and I went our separate ways because of a stupid election. It really hurt to see that sometimes people allow politics interfere with their relationships. Besides the loss of a beautiful friendship, the beginning of the year held a lot of uncertainty. I applied for Graduate School, but still had this fear that I might be wasting my time and that I wouldn't identify with my peers or that I would totally be terrible at my internship placement.

It wasn't until I started the Fall Semester that my fears turned to ash. I ended up really enjoying my classes and learning so much. Well, except maybe one class. That class was just the worst, but the professor was really passionate and you really wanted to know what she had to say. I would wake up in anticipation for my classes and I welcomed the connections from my classmates. I even made a couple of friends. When I started at my Internship Placement, I quickly fell into the routine of the organization and became close with everyone who worked there. It felt great to be a part of something bigger than myself. It may not sound like a big deal, but I always found it difficult to approach people. 

Now that the year is coming to a close, I look back at everything that happened. I lost a friend, I've felt lost in my place in adulthood, I've witnessed my fellow human beings do terrible things to each other all over the world, I've made friends, and I've opened my mind to other ideas. It was a rough start but I think I came out stronger and more mature than before. I still have a long way to go, but I'm now open to that adventure. 

That's why I think New Year's is an underrated holiday. We all should take the time to look back and see what mistakes we made, what battles we've won and lost, what connections we've made, and where we want to go from there.

I have hope for a better future. Do you?

With Love,



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