CONTRACTED Made Me Want to Barf
Written/Directed: Eric England Starring: Najarra Townsend, Caroline Williams, Alice Macdonald Synopsis: After Samantha is raped at a party and wakes up with a hang over, she notices that something is completely off with her body. She's sensitive to sound, she gets sick, and despite her worries, the doctor she sees has no idea what's wrong with her. As time goes on, Samantha slowly decays from the inside out and loses her grasp of her sanity. One thing that I HATED about this movie was that the synopsis that generally describes this movie, starts with "after a one night stand". *Grabs feminist soap box* That is NOT what happened! She was raped! How do I know that? She told the guy she wasn't interested and that she was a lesbian. Then after she is incapacitated, he takes her to his car and rapes her. You can hear her say "NO" throughout the crime. Also what doctor just uses a stethoscope and knows what you have? What about a blood test? When s...