Wonder Woman Hysteria

Dear Visitor,

I finally got the chance to watch WONDER WOMAN with my family and, I must say, DC finally got it right with this one. I think it had the right balance of comedy, action, and even a hint of romance. What I love most about Diana was how she looked at the world with such wonder. It was like watching a sheltered girl experience the real world for the first time. She found a number of beautiful things about humanity but she also had the face its harsh realities and grow up fast. Leaving home for the first time will do that to you. But despite experiencing heartbreak and rage, she chose not to fall into despair and hate. She chose to be above it and turned to hope and love. That, to me, was BEAUTIFUL! But what I appreciate most was that this wasn't the uber feminist war cry that I was afraid it would be.

A while back a watched the 2009 cartoon movie WONDER WOMAN with Nathan Fillion and Keri Russell as Steve Trevor and Diana. There were plenty of scenes where Diana scoffs at Steve and his advances and just assumes the worse of men in general. While some of those scenes were hilarious, others just made me groan. It was a cute movie and I liked that animation. I just got turned off a little bit when she stood on the feminist soapbox and preached about The Patriarchy to which Steve finally blows a gasket and points out that he never saw her as weak, but that he cared about her. I thought that the live action movie would be a re-hash of the cartoon but I was pleasantly surprised.

Anyway, I really liked WONDER WOMAN but I didn't think it was anything to cry hysterically over because it's "So relevant right now" or "This is the first strong female on screen" or "THE PATRIARCHY". Seriously, for weeks I saw on my twitter feed how much women cried throughout the movie because their feminist sensibilities couldn't handle it....great way to combat the stereotype of the hysterical female, no? Then after the movie, they hit social media and complained how she's not feminist enough. They even complained that she didn't have armpit hair...let that sink in. And now they're complaining that Wonder Woman isn't a Short Fat Black Lesbian...apparently she's not Intersectional enough. Check out the article HERE and be sure to read the comments. I thought the second comment was spot on!

I'm just so sick of Social Justice Warriors taking a crap over everything. No matter how hard you try, you'll never satisfy them. Also if you're going to get this worked up over a fictional character, you need to take a step back and rethink your life. There are plenty of strong women in our history that you can find inspiration from. My personal favorite is Queen Elizabeth I. 

What about you, Visitor? Did you enjoy the film?

With Love,



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